Just commenting to say that a 16 oz container of your adobo would honestly be amazing! I introduced my mom to your adobo over Christmas this year (she has wickedly high blood pressure and can't eat anything with salt) and it was a huge hit. Now she's constantly asking me to bring both of your seasonings when I visit because she uses them so often (I managed to get one of the last sets for her before they sold out, but I'm sure she'll be running out of both in another month or so). I'm sure other folks have said this, but thank you for making such a great pair of spice blends without salt. She gets excited to cook now, which I haven't seen in years.

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thank you!

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"Squidge" <3 I grew up on a version of this and we called it goulash. It's got nostalgia and yum written all over it.

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"Would any of you be interested in purchasing a 16 ounce container of adobo?"


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Not sure if I am on the close friends list on IG, here’s my handle just in case not: @debakingpsychopath

Thank you!

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Yum! I’ll be trying this :)

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I just checked my email now, so glad I caught the tail end of the free event. It was awesome and you had so many great things to say! Also love this recipe. Recently been doing round the clock caregiving for my mom and I don't have as much time to shop, go to the farmers market, and cook.

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Welcome back, Ms Illy!

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